No Tech Thursday…It’s Spring, Lets make some stuff outside


I understand that their might be some chill in the air and minor snow on the ground…but forget that, its spring!

Time to brush off the snow and gloom and snow and head outside! Here are some links to some fun recyclable art projects that you can do with the kids on these upcoming warm spring days.

1) Recyclable Boats from Activity Village

recyable boat

Take those plastic bottles that you are not using…and check out these techniques to make some floating on the same (ok bathtub or wading pool) wonder! Click Here

2) Homemade Angry Birds Game from

homemade angry birds

Those kids have been cooped up a bit too long don’t you think? Time for them to throw some things at some things? Great…check out this homemade version of the game Angry Birds. They get to go outside and still pretend they are playing a video game! Click Here to see who to make it.

3) DIY Sprinkler from Housing a Forrest


Still have some bottles left over? Great! Lets make some sprinklers! But I already have sprinklers your saying? Shhhh…thinking too hard. Click Here for some great homemade options

Have a great day guys!!

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