Fun Friday: Fun Things to Do Weekend of August 8th and 9th


This weekend I want you to get your Art on! You might be thinking about going swimming, snorkeling, hang gliding, jumping, running, dancing, slip and sliding, eating, log rolling, fishing, mountain climbing and yodeling, Which to that I say, YES DO ALL OF THOSE THINGS! When you are done with all of that, here are some places to have some incredible art adventures.

  1. Create a Webcomic: Athens, Ga: Saturday August 8th 

Ok, I will admit it…I like comics. Big surprise for someone who writes about fun kid stuff too do!! The problem is,  I do not have the artistic ability to make comics. But for those of you who do, and who live in the Athens area, and also like computers you can now create your own webcomic! The instructors will teach you HTML/CSS and how to help write and create your concepts for the internet. Sounds cool! I still can’t draw…but still cool! Click here for more information.

 2.  Crafty Saturdays at Creative Mom Toys: Seattle, Wa: Saturday August 8th

Creative Mom Toys wants you to come and play this Saturday! Their will be fun crafts for everyone to enjoy and the event is free for everyone. Just make sure to play nice with each other parents and kids. You are both talented! Click here for more information.

3. The Day the Crayons Quit: San Francisco, Ca: Sunday August 9th

Now you can’t actually draw for this activity because it’s a play….then again who knows? This weekend at the Children Creativity Museum Theater a fun filled musical based on the children’s book The Day the Crayons Quit. Then you can also spend the day at the museum. Then do all the other things I mentioned above!! Click here for more information.

Have a fun art filled weekend everybody!

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